
This is Erika Yano (♂). Software developer of sorts and anime/manga fan. Welcome to my humble abode.

I will be posting sporadically about my journey in life as a MAP (minor-attracted person), among other things of interests to no one in particular.

If you need to contact me for whatever reason, please head over to the contact section.

Recent Posts


Welp, I decided to start setting up stuff using Tor. I used to have a fediverse instance (cunnyborea.space) that I set up to hang out with other NS MAPs, but some stupid nigger from a normie instance reported it to the VPS provider because we “hosted” CP (we didn’t, that’s not something you do on the clearnet, lmao) so I had to shut it down. I tried to set it up for Tor-only, but failed in the process.

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Starting Out...

It’s actually not that easy to come out as a MAP (minor-attracted person). But once you see the light, it becomes more bearable. This blog will serve as my dumping grounds for stuff I need to release without compromising my life. To anyone reading this: please bear witness without prejudice. I’ll be back eventually.